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The temples stand nearby. Serenity is in the air. A secret lake by itself, the swimming pool reflects majestic palm trees. Nestled in a vast expanse of tropical flora, 50 living spaces, most with private pools, invite to rest, relax and contemplate. Your own oasis. One of a kind.

  • Tpl spa1

    Serene Spa

    Fleuraison Spa, a specially tailored line of massages, facial or body treatments, and enhanced therapies.

  • On Flight Mode Angkor

    Temples at your Tempo

    Minutes from Angkor Wat, Templation is the base to explore a lush countryside and Khmer creativity.

  • Tpl sudaneth2

    Gourmet with Gusto

    Floating breafkast in your own pool, romantic dinner surrounded by nature, private BBQ parties, traditional Khmer meals...

  • Templation Hotel Solar Panels 004

    Gracefully Green

    From sun-generated energy to vegetal roofs to natural light and air flow, an environment-friendly resort where you feel and breathe better.

  • Tpl leakena in 2025 3

    Leakena_In at Templation

    "Most beautiful Friday in Siem Reap!"
  • Tpl doudou jeannou 2025

    doudou & jeannou

    Staying near Angkor in harmony with Nature.
  • Tpl genz 2025

    We're GenZ | 閆子晨 [Yan Zichen]

    「坠入自然梦境」暹粒小众宝藏 酒店分享,CP值超高 ["Falling into a natural dream": Siem Reap's niche treasure hotel with high price-performance value
  • Templation Eco Pool Villas Siem Reap yum list

    Best Private Pool Villas 2024 - The Yum List

    "great private pool with jacuzzi jets; lovely tropical gardens; proximity to Angkor Wat; separate living and sleeping areas."
  • Tpl summer shaker1

    Summer Shaker in Siem Reap and at Templation

    Smart and heart-felt video about Siem Reap, Angkor, and Templation Angkor Resort.
  • Tpl TRVLDIARY 042024

    TRVL DIARY/Verena

    "Not only a visually stunning place to stay, but it was also planned with the environment in mind."